Acquiring a vehicle from a car rental is one good way to stay within your budget if you only need it for a limited amount of time or cannot afford a personal car at this point of time. However, after getting the car, it is a financially sensible move to take good care of it. If you damage it through reckless driving or neglect, or return it filled with trash and debris, you will not only have to pay for the cleaning costs, you might be charged for the damage you have created as well.
First and foremost, in order to escape from the extra bill, you need to make sure that the car you have rented is in pristine condition when you first receive it. Before getting the car from the company’s garage, check all the areas including scratches in the paint; take note if you see any defects or problems. Inform the car rental company that you are not going to be held responsible for the damage that the vehicle already has. Many times, you need not worry since the car will most likely be very perfect; but just in case the car has defects, the rental company should be informed. Additionally, you need to check for tire pressure, water, oil and petrol. The reason for this is that without oil the car’s engine will get damaged and lacking in tire pressure will cause you to use up more gas.
You should take care of the car as if it were your own. If you feel yourself getting drowsy as you drive, stop for coffee or open the window to breathe in some fresh air. Stay within the speed limit at all times and do not drive on bad roads. Do not drive in bad weather and do maintenance checks regularly at service stations. Remember that driveways or roads with gravel will scratch or chip the paint, so you need to avoid these. You also need to avoid high speed bumps, large puddles and other conditions which could strain the car. If you really must go over these types of terrain, you need to go slowly to minimize damage.
When returning your car, make sure it is immaculately clean both on the interior and on the exterior. You need to clean the floor mats by removing them completely and go over the upholstery with a car vacuum cleaner. Wash the car’s exterior with very soapy water and rinse with clean, clear water to prevent the car’s paint to dry with any soap marks. Make sure you return the vehicle with the same amount of gas and oil as when you first got it, which is generally the standard operating procedure anyway. It can be tempting to be careless with a car rental since you really do not own the vehicle yourself!
Taking good care of the vehicle will not cost you a thing; but it will do if you damage it! So be careful and take good care of it.
1 comment:
It is good, you are sharing a nice and valuable post for many people. I totally agree on all your aspects that you have mentioned about cleaning and keeping the rented car. Thanks for the post , I really appreciate your work.
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